Build a thriving culture by managing the disconnect between perception and reality
Many organizations want to embrace a thriving culture, yet they have been unable to do so. It is often because there is a disconnect – a disconnect between what they think their work environment is like and what employees actually experience. It is time to act and manage the disconnect.
Rethink Diversity: Confront Barriers to a Thriving Culture
People are leaving jobs. Finding and retaining top talent is difficult. Overcome the barriers preventing your organization from having a thriving culture.
Build a Thriving Culture to Benefit from a Diverse Workforce.
The business case for diversity is clear; yet, many organizations struggle to reap the rewards of having a diverse workforce.
Find Inspiration to Be the Best You in 2022
Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we each made a choice to make a difference? The compound effect would be astounding.
Become a Better Leader in 2022.
To be an effective leader today, you must be aware of the contradictory elements of human nature. You must seek to understand how two different people can read the same legal brief or attend the same board meeting, yet walk away with completely different interpretations.
Can We Talk about Ignoring the Impacts of Hidden Bias?
Ignorance can be bliss, but our ignorance of our own hidden bias can cause very real and problematic consequences. In order to overcome the barriers created by bias, we must actively work to uncover it and overcome it.
The Bliss of Not Knowing (Part 2)
In order to discuss and debate how to tackle the challenges we face today; we must start to critically think about what we take for granted, what we believe, and what we do on autopilot. We must embrace the practice of asking why.
The Bliss of Not Knowing Why We Do What We Do (Part1)
Have you ever stopped to think about how outside social forces influence your thoughts, actions, and responses? How about how they influence your perception of others and how you interact with them?
Is Ignorance Bliss? (Part Two)
Is ignorance really bliss? How developing an understanding of unconscious bias embedded in commonly used phrases helps us overcome barriers and create inclusive cultures.