Can We Talk about Ignoring the Impacts of Hidden Bias?

Can We Talk about Ignoring the Impacts of Hidden Bias?

The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them. Ida B. Wells October 2017 On October 2, 2017, I was driving my daughter to school with the news on. The lead story was about a mass shooting that had taken place the night before on the Las Vegas strip....
The Bliss of Not Knowing (Part 2)

The Bliss of Not Knowing (Part 2)

Have you ever questioned why you believe what you believe? How about where your beliefs come from? Or how they influence your perception of others and how you interact with them? Kristin Heck Sajadi Our “unconscious” thoughts and actions influence each of us far more...
The Bliss of Not Knowing Why We Do What We Do (Part1)

The Bliss of Not Knowing Why We Do What We Do (Part1)

Why do we do what we do? Have you ever stopped to critically think about how outside social forces influence your thoughts, actions, and responses? How about how they influence your perception of others and how you interact with them? We are all influenced by social...